Thursday, August 11, 2016

2011 Memory

In 40 days I touch down in Munich for 8 days of Bier drink.

My last trip to Oktoberfest was in 2011. On the T-minus 40 day mark, I broke my hip requiring surgery so I abruptly had to back out. I had surgery and was miserable knowing my friends and family were going. At about the T-mius 15 day mark I decided to go while on crutches against my doctors advice. The trip was still amazing even though I was in pain. I logged so many miles while walking on my crutches. I walked laps around the English Garden, climbed Eagle Nest, and navagatig around the crowded bier tents. The trip awesome.

So here we are again at the 40 mark, lets not break anything.


  1. The blue on the crutches is not a great match for the Lederhosen.

  2. Brother, I have always loved and admired you commitment to this the greatest of all Holladay's
